Wednesday, November 01, 2006

"Take that, you lawbreaking dairy products!"

The Sam & Max episodic demo was fantastic and I'm seriously considering purchasing it if it weren't for the fact that I'm in danger of exhausting my funds for quit some time.

Before I begin on my usual rant of video games, I thought I'd mention a few things that show that my life is only dominated by digital entertainment most of the time (instead of all the time).

1. It's so difficult to tastefully combine nudity and art that for the simple matter that artists are pretty sure they are creating kitsch before they even finish the piece.

2. Seems I missed yet another issue of Imagine FX. I'm very enraged at this moment in time.

3. Have a couple of drawings to upload, still haven't scanned them though. SORRY!

Back to video games:

I have been ecstatic / dreading this month for a while now.

Gears of War------------ 69.99
Elite Beat Agents------- 29.99
Phoenix Wright 2------ 34.99
Final Fantasy III------- 34.99
Rainbow Six: Vegas---- 59.99

And I'm probably going to try and nab a Wii and Zelda before Christmas too.

Then after that it's going to be Team Fortress 2, Portal, Half Life Episode 2, World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade, Zelda (for DS), Crysis... I could keep going. My only solace is that Halo 3 won't be due out for a while.

Now--for a nerd, this normally wouldn't be a problem.

But I'm looking to upgrade my computer rig very soon, so that will put me in a pretty deep whole as I can't wait until Windows Vista comes out.

Direct X 10 makes me feel all warm and tingly inside.

1 comment:

Tom said...

It's cool. You can save a bit of money because HL2 episode 2 has been pushed back to "summer". I use quotes because I know that probably means christmas 2007. *sigh*