Monday, October 23, 2006

Friend's Wedding. A poor summary.

This weekend, I was off to a wedding of two long time friends of mine.
And for the most part, it was an enjoyable and uneventful (by that, I mean nothing bad happened) weekend.
I stayed with a friend at the Ho Chunk Casino in Wisconsin and for the most part, it was nice.
The room was sizable (and we ended up across the hall from two other friends… though we booked months apart… and was part of the small minority that got to enjoy the vaulted ceilings… and some other odd low probability numeric coincidence I can’t recall at the moment.)
The gambling halls were filled with the usual assortment of gambling regulars whose grim expression would chill anyone who gazed upon them. Which was a shame because there was a gigantic stable of Star Wars slot machines that would have gone from great to freakin’ fantastic if there were more jolly people around it.
We went to a Pizza place with a moose as its mascot. The delivery vehicle was a ….with a giant plastic moose lying across the top. As for the restaurant, it was decent pizza packaged with an awesome Pumpkin beer.
Ran late to the ceremony as we ended up on the other side of the park, luckily we arrived just as the ceremony began.
The wedding was held outside, and the weather was really nice that day. Nothing to say past it was a lovely ceremony with a great view with two people who are truly happy together.
Pictures can be found here.
Hauled ass home so I could take an early train to Chicago.
To take my midterm.

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